rowAMPS Is Making Project Planning Easier For Land Service, Utility, And Pipeline Companies

Learn about rowAMPS software, who uses it, and its features and benefits.

Managing and planning projects are quite a task in today’s world. It is complex and time-consuming. Companies face a lot of challenges – miscommunication, finding the right software, no accountability, and resource conflict.


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The company geoAMPS has released a new project management software product called rowAMPS, which allows companies the ability to manage right-of-way projects in a paperless environment. This facilitates efficiency and error reduction. Leveraging software solutions like rowAMPS for detailed coverage, budgeting, planning, negotiations, surveys, etc.

Photo of rowAMPS right of way land service project
rowAMPS offers detailed coverage, budgeting, planning, negotiations, and surveys to support land service and utility pipeline projects.

Top Features

Mobile and offline – rowAMPS allows access and information updating across mobile, GIS mapping and web. Their offline feature enables the user to work on the software event when there is no access to Internet connectivity. The data then gets synced once the connection is restored.

Centralized – As the data is stored in one central location, the software provides companies the flexibility to work across various departments and devices. This allows projects to be easily organized, analyzed and secured. It’s completely paperless.

Configurable – Companies can gain efficiency by configuring the rowAMPS software to meet their specific needs and to reduce the challenges faced.

Efficiency – The software’s real-time environment tracking enables collaborations and error reduction.

Data Mitigation – rowAMPS helps to extract, reformat and transfer data into a new software solution.

Training – The company can get running with the software in a short span of two weeks and enter a full production phase within a month.

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Industries Served

Land Service Companies – By managing agent workflow and allowing clients real-time access to project updates, companies will be able to stand out from their competition.

Utility and Pipeline Companies – See real-time project reports by having vendors enter data into one place and get unlimited access to their information.

Project Planning

By using rowAMPS, companies can manage and plan their projects with ease:

Project Management – From assigning tasks to scheduling alerts and tracking negotiations, keep right-of-way projects moving forward. It notifies the key payment updates, integrates data across all business aspects and uses templates to generate documents automatically. 

Schedule tasks and workflows – Field agents can leverage mobile devices to exchange notes and assign tasks to users. This makes life easy by allowing the agent to update the information in the field without the need to return to the office. It also helps to capture on-field electronic signatures and get daily project assignments. 

Budget reporting – With rowAMPS, companies can track project funds, land-related payments, due dates, required pricing and statuses at all times. It is possible to seamlessly integrate with in-house accounting system without additional software. It also helps in receiving real-time updates on the project cost and forecast of money you can spend.

Right-of-way and land acquisition teams can now avoid project delays due to loss of important paperwork or the inability to get necessary signatures on time. Make your life simpler. Manage your projects and plan them effectively and hassle-free with a software product like rowAMPS.

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